Peace Brigades International

Lolita Chávez

Dialogues with Civil Society #1 Lolita Chávez

CEDLA: Centre for Latin American Research and Documentation and Nalacs: the Netherlands Association for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, are organizing a series of seminars titled “Dialogues with Civil Society”. The goal of these dialogues is to bring together a broad audience of academics and non-academics to discuss relevant societal issues in Latin America. The kick-off of the series takes places on Wednesday 24 January. This seminar is organized in collaboration with Peace Brigades International the Netherlands and features Lolita Chávez, human rights defender and leader of the K’iche’ peoples Council in Guatemala.

Owing to her role in the struggle for the protection of the environment, gender equality and the recognition of indigenous rights, Chávez was one of three final nominees for the Sakharov Prize 2017, a renowned human rights award presented by the European Parliament.

Based on her personal experiences, Lolita will discuss the context of human rights defenders in Guatemala. Furthermore, she will address issues related to women’s rights, environmental rights and the problems that emerge from the presence of multinational companies on indigenous lands.

Please note that the event will be in Spanish! The meeting will take approximately one hour followed by a small reception.

DateWednesday January 24th 2018
Time16:00 - 18:00
LocationCEDLA Room 2.02 (2nd floor), Roetersstraat 33, Amsterdam (→ GoogleMaps)
SpeakersLolita Chávez