Peace Brigades International – The Netherlands & Remonstrantse Gemeente Utrecht (RGU) will be hosting a new Human Rights Café edition.
This new Human Rights Café will feature Vilma Gómez, the new guest of Shelter City Utrecht. Vilma is the director and legal representative of Defence for Children International Colombia (DNI-Colombia). DNI-Colombia aims to protect children’s rights by focusing on issues, such as juvenile justice, children in armed conflict and peace building, rights of indigenous girls and women and violence against children.
Vilma’s organisation is member of the Coalition against the Participation of Children in the Armed Conflict (COALICO), a national civil society platform established with the aim to promote and protect the rights of boys and girls affected by the armed conflict in Colombia.
During this new Human Rights Café, Vilma will discuss the new challenges that children are facing in Colombia. One year ago the Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) signed a peace agreement. Yet, other armed groups are not party to the agreement and continue to commit human rights violations. What are the types of threats and violence that children are facing in Colombia in the light of these new developments? We will discuss this and more questions related to children and armed conflict in Colombia.
We hope to welcome you soon in our Human Rights Café!
*There will be drinks and food available