PBI Honduras Hosted a Meeting Between the Dutch Embassy and LGBT+ Organizations At the end of October, the Embassy of the Netherlands in Costa Rica visited Honduras an opportunity in which the PBI Honduras project hosted a meeting between the Dutch Embassy and the LGBT+ organizations Asociación LGBT Arcoiris de Honduras and Somoscdc Hn. This […]
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Docu night and discussion: The Night Flowers
Shelter City Utrecht & Peace Brigades International invite you to the film screening of ‘The Night Flowers‘, an award-winning, warm and casually composed portrait of a group of queer young people in Mexico who are trying to feel at home in their conservative environment while preserving their often hard-won identities. Following the screening, we will […]
Vijf vragen aan onze nieuwe Shelter City gast Raúl
Op dit moment verblijft de 31-jarige Mexicaanse LGBTIQ+ mensenrechtenverdediger Raúl Caporal Montes in Utrecht. Zijn verblijf staat in het teken van het Shelter City project, waarbij hij wordt begeleid door PBI Nederland en Justice and Peace. Tijd om hem beter te leren kennen! Wij stelden hem vijf vragen over zijn werk en zijn verblijf in […]