Peace Brigades International

Berichten over Shelter City

Meet Juan Carlos, our new Shelter City Guest

(See below for English) Ontmoet Juan Carlos Peace Brigades International (PBI) is verheugd om Juan Carlos te introduceren, onze nieuwe Shelter City gast uit Colombia, die bij ons zal zijn tijdens de zomer van 2024. Juan Carlos is een toegewijde mensenrechtenverdediger die zich inzet voor de bescherming van de natuur in zijn regio en voor […]

Looking back on the film screening and discussion on impunity in Latin America

On Sunday 26th of May, we held an event at the Utrecht library focusing on the struggle with impunity in Latin America, featuring the screening of the documentary “Chocolate de Paz”. We were joined by Ruby and Roviro from the peace community of San José de Apartadó and our Shelter City guest, Lola. Marlinde Weener and […]

Exploring Human Rights: Utrecht University Students Meet Lola from Shelter City

On Tuesday 7th of May, we held an event with the anthropology students from Utrecht University and their professors Wil Pansters and Danse de Bondt, focusing on the experiences of our Shelter City guest Lola. The event was kicked off by Loïc Chartier who presented Peace Brigades International and his position as the Shelter City intern. […]

Introducing Lola: Human rights advocate and new Shelter City guest

Peace Brigades International has had the chance to welcome a new Shelter City guest this spring.  Lola, a Human Rights lawyer from Latin America. Due to security reasons we cannot share much information about her. Lola is the co-founder of an organisation supporting victims of Human Rights abuses in her home country. Her organisation is founded by […]

Terugblik op de opening van de foto expositie in de Kargadoor

In januari opende de Kargadoor haar deuren voor de opening van onze foto expositie over mensenrechtenverdedigers die te gast waren bij Shelter City Utrecht. De expositie is nog tot 12 februari te zien. De expositie bestaat uit portretten van 24 moedige individuen, waaronder een LHBTQI+ rechtenactivist uit Kenia, een burgerrechtenactivist uit Polen, een verdediger van […]

Meet Yendri, our new Shelter City guest 

(Zie hieronder voor de Nederlandse versie van dit artikel) Peace Brigades International has the chance to welcome a new Shelter City this winter! Yendri, an LGBTIQ+ rights defender from Venezuela arrived in Utrecht this January and will be staying in until mid-March.  Yendri is the co-founder, coordinator and international advocacy officer of the Observatorio Venezolano […]

Meet Mona, our new Shelter City guest

Meet Mona, the new Shelter City guest!
Mona, an environmental activist from Bolivia is spending the autumn in Utrecht. During her stay, she wants to spread awareness about the Human and Environmental Rights violations in Bolivia.

Look back at: Film screening and discussion event “Human Rights in El Salvador”

On August 24th, Peace Brigades International organized a film screening and discussion event about El Salvador with our Shelter City Guest María Luz Nóchez. After the screening of the documentaries, María Luz, along with Julienne Weegels took part in a discussion with moderators and PBI project officers Noémie and Nick. Nick Anagnostellis opened the evening […]